Thursday, September 27, 2012

Our School and What 5th grade is Doing by Avery

About our school

    Broadus Wood Elementary school has 275 students. We are on the smaller side than most schools. We have three kindergarten teachers, two first grade teachers, three second grade teachers, two third grade teachers, two fourth grade teachers and two fifth grade teachers. We are sort of out in the middle of nowhere. We have five different specials, for example, Music, Library, Gifted, Guidance, and P.E. (physical education).  

Here are some things that we are learning about in Language Arts. We always have a free read time at the beginning of our class, then we have word study, (where we work on spelling words). We are studying homophones. Our teacher always reads to us then we write about what she read. Soon we will be starting literature circles where small groups of students read the same book and then talk about it together  

The Wythe House in Colonial Williamsburg (pic. from Wikipedia)
Here is what we are learning about in math. In math we are doing a lot of multiplication problems. We are learning new and different methods and trying to stretch our brain. We do a lot of group work and play a lot of fun games. I love math plus we have a very good teacher to teach it to us. We are also starting more of solving  2 multiplication problems and finding out which is greater.

Here is what we are learning about in science. In science we are learning about matter. We have covered atoms, protons, neutrons, and electrons. Now we are finishing the three states of matter and starting mixtures and solutions. One of my favorite things we are studying about is elements and compounds. One of the projects we have completed is making our own element. My element was oxygen. We had to do research on our element and then write it down. I love science.

In Social Studies we are learning about Colonial Virginia and how they lived. We have done projects about life in the old days. My groups poster was housing. I wish I could tell you everything but let me just tell you a couple facts about houses. There windows were often made of waxed paper instead of glass. Also there cooking often came from an open fire. Other groups did clothing, food, and jobs. Now we are doing a play about credit. Credit is when you buy something now and pay for it later.

You should visit Virginia someday. Don’t forget to stop by our school!



  1. WOW you have a lot of students at your school. science sounds cool as well ares is keeping healthy i hope you enjoy it I bet I would.


  2. I wish I knew where your school was.

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