Sunday, September 30, 2012

Places to Visit in Virginia by Meme and Kendall

        Virginia is a cool place to visit. We are only 3 hours from Virginia beach. When I go to Virginia beach I like to go to the Boardwalk. The Boardwalk is a raised sidewalk right off the beach. There are lots of restaurants and amusement park rides and you can rent bikes. The Boardwalk is a fun place to go with your family.

        In 4th grade we went on a field trip to Jamestown. It was cool because we got to see what Jamestown was like in 1607. We got to see how they made their beds, food and what their lives were like.


  1. virginia sounds like a really cool place. I would love to visit. james town also sounds really good especially in 1607


  2. I heard that you,Harvey wants to come here well do you have any tourist attractions there?


  3. That's cool! I have been to James Town before and it is fun every time I have been there

